
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Why so many theories on Education?

There are many theories of learning and teaching about how people learn the best out there.  After doing some research I kept coming back to the same theory.....the theory of Multiple Intelligence.  Created by Howard Gardner and is backed by the idea of eight different types of intelligence.  These believes that all student are intelligent in various ways.  The basis for this theory is that all people have intelligence, it is just expressed in various manners.

The areas of this theory are musical–rhythmic, visual–spatial, verbal–linguistic, logical–mathematical, bodily–kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic.  This theory is not just for the area of special education either.  This theory involves all learners.  That is the great part about it!  These ideas go right along with differentiated instruction.  Meaning all students can be working on the same topic and similar projects'assignments but in different manners.  I truly believe that this is wonderful!  This is tapping into different parts of students brains to get the most out of them and getting them to think in different ways.

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